Polynesian Inspired Designs, Realistic Tattoos, Oriental, New School, dotwork, script.
We charge 125/hour for designing and tattooing, some pieces require multiple sessions or day sessions (if desired by you) so inform our special rating for full day Tattoos
A deposit is required:
25 euro for small projects
50 euro on a 3 hour session
100 euro deposit on half day Project
200 euro on full day Project.
We’re happy to help and create a unique design in all styles for every client, you can be inspired from existing samples in the shop or on the web, animations, movies or any Tattoo dream that has kept you up at night. Some styles and most completions require freehand work, this way will make your ideas flow better with your body and will ensure your uniqueness. Keep in mind that we won’t kopie any tattooed ideas from other Tattoo-Artists, let them inspire you but
Exceptions to this rule are logo’s, family designs, your own artwork, movie & animation characters, portraits or realistic subjects.
Facial & Body (above the waist):
with standerd BCR are 45 euro
with standerd barbell or labret 50 euro
with skindivers 50 euro
with Surface-Anchors from 65euro and up
stretching or exchanging jewelry is 5euro + the price of chosen jewelry
Male & Female Intimate piercings:
with standard jewelry 75 euro/piece or 2 for 130 euro
add-ons start at 2 euro
BCR start at 10 euro
Barbell, Labret,.. start at 15 euro
Tunnels & Spirals start at 10 euro
Your are welcome from monday till saturday or through contact on mail or social media message (FB, Insta, Twitter) after hours for advice on your appointments, designs, piercing or aftercare.

Endless Art was found in 1999 by Andy & Mercedesz, out of the Love for art and decoration, since than it has become one of the most prominent Tattoo Studio’s in the The Hague region. Through the years we were lucky to have required a happily returning and growing clientele, enjoying the participation of national and international conventions to have received awards and the satisfaction to expand our knowledge on many forms of Art. In 2014 people voted us, due to our Years of experience, lifelong friendships and a healthy dose of bedside manner, ‘The Best Tattoo Shop of The Hague’ boosting our love for art, sharing personal moments and keep on fulfilling people’s creative wishes
He toi whakairo, he mana tangata
(where there’s artistic expression, there’s human dignity)
We are a licensed shop, working according to Amsterdam GG&GD guidelines, which will only be renewed after a thorough inspection. In easy language, we use disposable materials like needles cartridges, certified pigments and reusables for example piercing clamps are cleaned and autoclaved after every client.

Andy at work

Andy & Mercedesz
Endless Art
Endless Art was created by us, Andy & Mercedesz in 1999. Every day we pour our heart and soul into creating unique and personal art. Andy loves freehand Polynesian inspired designs, because of his mixed roots but can also find his and your satisfaction in black&grey or full color realistic, oriental, or any style you throw at him. For Christmas 2016 he got his hands on a one of a kind ’Star Wars’ Killerbee Tattoo machine, build and customized by Richard Batey of Immortal Innovations U.K. and gratefully accepted to become a part of ’The Killerbee Professional Tattoo Crew’. Me (Mercedesz) started out as piercer and designer, later on added the human canvas to my resumé, with a small preference to realistic flowers and dotwork. Over the years Endless Art has been national and international participating on many conventions, not only picking up awards but also to follow seminars of well known artists to keep improving our creativity and laying down some lifelong friendships with awesome people all over the world.
Every piece of art is made with Love, Honor & Respect, may you enjoy and love it as much as we do !!

Heather Maranda
Guest Artist @ Endless Art
(available 2018)
This ‘Epic Ink’ lady needs no introduction for the people close to us, our friendship is as her work .. legendary. When she can she fills our shop with her presence and spreads her awesome realistic or cartoonish freehand work on Dutch canvases. Curious about her amazing talent visited her website or contact us for more info on when she visits.

Guest Artist @ Endless Art
(available May 2017 till July 2017)
A newcomer to our hearts is the Beautiful Rosie Edwards straight out of Christchurch NZ. Her Eclectic Moko art comes from within her soul strengthened by her Ancestors giving you an everlasting gift. She will honor us regularly with a visit so if you wanna know more about this magical Lady visit the links below or contact us.

Ariël Komomua
Guest Artist @ Endless Art
(available May 2017)
hellafresh’ Ariël will join Armand in May 2017. This gorgeous Hawaiian Lady makes the most beautiful dotwork pieces, true Polynesian art or even Sacred Geometry designs with. Wanna book an appointment, contact her via hellafreshtattoos@yahoo.com or on the link below, you won’t be sorry.
Sinti Ink
15 16 17 April 2017

Traditional tattoo & World culture festival
17 until 24 May 2017

Amsterdam Tattoo Convention
26 27 28 May 2017

1 till 17 August 2017

The Reunion Nijmegen
3 September 2017

Additional info

Feel free to drop by during our opening hours for advice, appointments, walk-ins or to feed the artists, after giving us a heads up!
Openingstijden info
Monday11:00 – 18:00
Tuesday11:00 – 18:00
Wednesday11:00 – 18:00
Thursday11:00 – 18:00
Friday11:00 – 18:00
Saturday11:00 – 18:00